
Aaron Perkins, "A smarter stroke upon the fancy", 2023. "In the sixth volume of Laurence Sterne’s The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759-67)...

Daniel John Pinkington, "An expanded notion of kerning", 2023. "Concrete poetry sought to remind us that the written word is a visual phenomenon, that the size and shape of letterforms can be as significant as the words themselves...

Louise Martin-Chew, “Review: Redland Art Awards", 2022. "Capturing typeface with visual tension, Termini (Franklin Book and Gothic Subtractive) by Aaron Perkins throws down a strong vertical that conjures the illusion of piercing the canvas and continues to float in the psyche...

Nathan Shepherdson, “letter torque", 2022. "as a new alphabet is released...

Aaron Perkins, “If I were taller", 2022."You are John or Julius or Leonid or Al and things are different...

Sam Dixon, “Cherry Stones", 2021. "the little boy stood watching the man where he teetered on the precipice...

Jude Anderson, “Aaron Perkins: a 'Skillful Anemoi Purveyor'", 2021. "I type ‘Anemoi winds’ into an online AI Slogan Generator...

Judith Duquemin, “Forming", 2020. "Constructive Reductive is a multi-disciplinary exhibition of contemporary, constructive art by twelve international artists...

Emmalyn Hawthorne, “2 September 2019", 2020. "Alter something so that it forms Cause / to become or seem Complete or close A party or other social event...

Hamish Sawyer, “At the still point, there the dance is”, 2020. "TS Eliot’s poem Burnt Norton, published in 1936, is a meditation on the passage of time and the nature of existence...

Aaron Perkins, “At least one”, 2020. "I also held a studio in this building. Or, at least, I held a studio in a building more or less similar to this building and so, strictly speaking, entirely dissimilar to this building...

Aaron Perkins and Kate McKay, “Attention-seeking seahorses and other outer-suburban phenomena”, 2019. "Do you have any ghost stories?...

Sophie Kubler, “Chronicle”, 2019. "For emerging artist, Aaron Perkins, the genre of history painting is of profound interest to the contemporary era...

Emmalyn Hawthorne, “Introspective Inferno”, 2017. "lowest in / pitch – the formless matter / supposed to have existed / before / the creation of the universe...